Saturday, February 23, 2013

Rat Patrol

                                                     Brice on Rat Patrol...literally.

Cleaning the roof.

Better light inside.

View of the steering wheel on the rear of the caboose...I like this shot.  Notice the date.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

First Look- Inside

Looking in from the back door...

The cupola.

Think Safety...

Someone cut a hole in the floor and put in a tub...   we found a well outside dated 1961.  It now has the nickname "hippie caboose"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

This Old Gray Caboose

We bought 38 acres in Notasulga, AL and found that it also had a treasure parked at it's center...

The key doesn't work, so we removed brush from the outside...

It is a Georgia Family Lines Caboose from the Georgia/Clinchfield West Point Route.
There is an old porch on the end.  It looks like someone lived here at one time.